What do we do?

OpenMinds offers two different levels of flexible support:

Intensive Short-term Support

This intervention is for those who are in a crisis and the support required is focused around relapse and where possible prevention of a hospital admission. This service is also suitable for those for whom consideration is being given to discharge form their respective Home Treatment teams, with the aim of consolidating any improvements made.

Long-term support

This intervention provides long-term support to maintain recovery and increased independence, with the aim of discharge from community psychiatric services to primary care services.

How do we do it?

We work collaboratively to provide a range of flexible floating support packages for people living in any type of accommodation including their own home. To achieve this aim we work closely with our multi-agency partners e,g Social Workers, CPNs, GP’s, Therapists, Primary Care, Families, Carers etc to provide one to one interventions such as:

  • Help in understanding and expressing their needs to medical and mental health professionals;
  • Support to foster a structured day and maintain the activities of daily living;
  • Supervision (not administration) of medication for both physical and mental health;
  • Support to engage and link with other services and professionals;
  • Support through advocacy to promote social inclusion and reduce the stigma associated with mental health challenges;
  • Support to manage a crisis;
  • Assisting the development of self-confidence and self-esteem;
  • Support to access local services including employment, education, training, leisure and other community social activities;
  • Support to acquire budgeting skills and maintaining a tenancy.


OpenMinds works with clients to achieve a range of outcomes including:

  • A reduction in relapse of mental health difficulties;
  • Sustained improvement in client’s physical, emotional, psychological and general wellbeing;
  • An overall reduction in crisis or admissions to hospital;
  • Better insight and understanding of recovery;
  • Promotion of stable lifestyles, social inclusion and integration into the community.

Who is it for?

Our floating support service is available to adults aged between 21 – 65 years living in the community. We also accept referrals for those who are on the verge of discharge from long-stay hospitals and require support with reintegration back into the community. This includes people who:

  • Experience some difficulties due to their mental health;
  • Struggle with addictions e.g. drugs or alcohol;
  • Require support to manage their medication/treatment;
  • Have become socially isolated or excluded as a result of their difficulties;
  • Require support to attend appointments and engage with other statutory services;
  • Need support with day-to-day tasks and could benefit from one-to-one support and advocacy and
  • Require support to help maximize their independence.

 For more information

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